About Us

About Us

The New Life Multi Specialty Hospital was founded by Bro. Mohan C. Lazarus and was opened to the glory of Almighty God on 7th July 2022. The Hospital was inaugurated by Mrs. Kanimozhi M.P. The hospital started functioning from1st June 2022.

The main aim of the hospital is to provide low cost health care irrespective of the Caste, Creed, Race to all the communities with care, concern and compassion in and around of the Tuticorin District.

The hospital was first started in 1988 with 4 staffs. It was started as a daily medical camp for the local people This hospital became familiar due to the staff’s prayer for each patients and free medicines. Likewise the patients felt the love of Jesus. Although it was opened in a thatched hut, now by the grace of god it was now converted to the multispecialty Mission Hospital

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